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Monday, November 16, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Fluffy Maine Coon Type Cat Paintings by Diane Irvine Armitage
I have been enjoying paintings some really lovely fluffy cats lately! Lots of different colors to paint, very detailed work.
The first painting is of Angela's Scully, 8 x 10 inches.
The second painting is of Steve's Darla, 24 x 18 inches.
Here are a few progress shots of the paintings.
I started with a burnt umber toned board. I find it to be a wonderful surface to paint on.
I like to let a little of the warm undertone show through in the finished painting.
Same thing with Darla's painting. I toned the white gesso'd board with burnt umber and then did a precise drawing over that. I find with commissioned portraits that drawing with a grid system allows me to get the features in exactly the right place which is the key to getting a likeness.
Then it is just a matter of painting in the right values and color changes in all the little areas. Lots of little patches of color on these tabby cats!
I keep working the painting over several days, pushing and pulling the lights and darks until I get to the finished painting.